Monday, October 31, 2005

Ce mica este lumea. Noua mea colega este Cristina. Da, Criz cu cultura-vura. Suntem doua junioare copywriterite.


from here

from here

by Melissa Stern

from here

Sunday, October 30, 2005

cat furniture

for your cat, with style

Glace souris

yummy, isn't it?

i love green rooms

Forget-me-not panties

These panties can give you her location, her temperature and heart rate and she'll never know it's there.
from here

chair by Floyd Gompf

from here

Friday, October 28, 2005

Furniture - metal art

Asta este ceea ce se numeste un robot" bine".

Fantastic planet

Thursday, October 27, 2005

M-am angajaaaaat! Trebuie sa multumesc blogului meu, care mi-a adus 3 interviuri si dupa cum se vede, in cele din urma, un job :). Si pentru ca tot ma simt ca la Oscaruri, multumesc tuturor care m-au sustinut ( mai ales lui Vlad).

from here

Nici cainii de vanatoare nu mai sunt ce au fost...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Thirsty wolf finds tea
by Shane Semler

from here

Furculision art


from here

from jens kappelmann

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Le voyage dans la lune (1902)

-is considered the world's first piece of science- fiction cinema.
-was inspired by Jules Verne ("from the earth to the moon") and H.G. Wells ( "First men in the moon")

inuit, pacific northwest coast, canadian plains and maori art

Come sit and have some tea
by Michael Massie

Parliament of owls
by Kananginak Pootoogook

monstruosul pisoi fermier
from here

Ceai razboinic

Lampi in forma de oameni ( fie ei intelectuali, alpinisti sau nudisti) .

Tea work
by Julian Landa

from here

Monday, October 24, 2005

Pentru Cookie care este suparata, un cos maaaare cu bonbons ( dar si pentru Boo).



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