Thursday, November 30, 2006

Doar o carte...

Pentru ca spiridusul a vorbit frumos despre mine si m-a taguit ( la multi ani :*, spiridus!) trebuie sa recomand o carte. Doar una :(((. M-am gandit eu ce m-am gandit si mi-am dat seama ca pana acum "Alexis Zorba" (Nikos Kazantzakis) este cartea pe care am recomandat-o cel mai mult in stanga si-n dreapta. Cand am citit Alexis Zorba eram deja intr-un proces de transformare. Dintr-o persoana negativista, pesimista, intunecata si speriata de lumea din jur ma transformam intr-un om normal. Era ca si cum deschideam ferestrele in mine si cartea asta m-a inseninat si mai mult.
Citatul urmator, din pacate in engleza pentru ca nu am cartea la indemana ca sa-l copiez in romana, scoate in evidenta cel mai bine mesajul cartii.

"I remember one morning when I discovered a cocoon in the back of a tree just as a butterfly was making a hole in its case and preparing to come out. I waited awhile, but it was too long appearing and I was impatient. I bent over it and breathed on it to warm it. I warmed it a quickly as I could and the miracle began to happen before my eyes, faster than life. The case opened; the butterfly started slowly crawling out, and I shall never forget my horror when I saw how its wings were folded back and crumpled; the wretched butterfly tried with its whole trembling body to unfold them. Bending over it, I tried to help it with my breath, in vain. It needed to be hatched out patiently and the unfolding of the wings should be a gradual process in the sun. Now it was too late. My breath had forced the butterfly to appear all crumpled, before its time. It struggled desperately and, a few seconds later, died in the palm of my hand.
That little body is, I do believe, the greatest weight I have on my conscience. For I realize today that it is a mortal sin to violate the great laws of nature. We should not hurry, we should not be impatient, but we should confidently obey the external rhythm".

In continuare, mi-ar placea sa recomande o carte:
- lulu care scrie foarte, foarte bine si este o povestitoare grozava si ma bucur ca a reinceput sa scrie pe blog.
- oompa-loompa care este iremediabil indragostita de carti si care are un, de fapt nu are un blog ci o lume a ei.
- le petit mouton pe care trebuie iar sa o tag-uiesc {don't hate me :(} dar nu este vina mea ca-i plac atat de mult cartile si sunt curioasa sa vad ce ar recomanda. Mouton-ul are un blog mic, cu posturi si mai mici si este unul din blogurile mele preferate.


Anonymous said...

citeste la mine pe blog, la chestionarul lui proust punctul 15. :D

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

citatul din zorba-mi aminteste de "dupa melci" al lui Barbu. De fapt e fix acceasi idee

lumi said...

am ajuns pe acest blog pe un traseu asa de sinuos ca nu l-as mai putea reconstitui. iar cind am vazut ca ultimul post e despre carti, nu m-am abtinut. musafir nepoftit, scriu si eu despre o carte care m-a impresionat. "eseu despre orbire", josé saramago. anarhie, mizerie umana impinsa pina la limita si dincolo de ea, iar la sfirsit lumina. chiar daca ea dezvaluie ceea ce pot face oamenii tinuti in intuneric. in orice intuneric.

Anonymous said...

Pana si filmul facut dupa carte a ramas o opera de arta... mai rar asa ceva.