Mi-am facut si eu testul cu super-eroi ( via Catalin) si-mi zice ca sunt Hulk, desi eu vad acolo ca sunt la egalitate cu Catwoman. Dar se pare ca sunt mai degraba o aratare muschiulos-verde, grosolana si dornica de a urla si a da cu pumnul decat o fiinta agila, frumoasa, cu miscari de instructoare de gimnastica aerobica. Asta e! :-<
behold! I am Green Lantern (65%), I have strong will power and good imagination
big, green, nervous 55%
You are The Flash
Fast, athletic and flirtatious.
superman la mine...ramane sa gasesc o cabina telefonica :D (stiati ca superman se poate intoarce in timp?)
si la mine tot superman la egalitate cu supergirl :)
you know how to be a thief and exploit others
but you stand up for society's cast-offs.
I'm one "lean, muscular and feminine, honest and defender of the innocent" Supergirl. You wouldn't wanna mess with me! :p
Spider-Man - 90%
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility... Cred ca mi-am uitat masca acasa :)
ha ha... super tare quiz-ul asta... s-ar parea ca eu sunt Superman 75% si Spider-Man 65%... hmmmmmm... n-ar fi rau... nu? ;) si totusi cam multi superman-i pe aici... :D
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